Anchoring Sloped Areas with J-Hooks or Rebar
A general rule of thumb to use when determining if your RutGuard™ panels need to be anchored to your sloped area is that typically slopes at a 3:1 or 33.5% degree are considered stable.* With that being said, based on specific site conditions and prefe...
RutGuard | Design Flexibility
Driveways and pathways come in many different shapes, sizes, and layouts. Circular driveways, horseshoe driveways, curves, turns, and slopes are all common when it comes to roads or paths. Thankfully, RutGuard is designed to fit almost any area. RutGuard panels are ...
Reduce Costs on Gravel Driveways and Other Unpaved Surfaces!
You can turn that 12" of gravel into 4" simply by installing RutGuard™ Geocell. The cells of RutGuard™ confine and strengthen the material that you place within it, holding it in place and keeping ruts and runoff from occurring. If you ...
Gravel, Crushed Aggregate, Sand..
Every project is different, and there are different types of material that can be used inside RutGuard®. The typical rule of thumb when it comes to sizing, is to make sure that the size of the rock does not exceed 3/4 inches of the size of the cell opening. This...
What is Geotextile?
Think of geotextile fabric as like having insurance on your project. When you use the fabric, you're essentially contributing to the lifespan of your project. It prolongs the chance of having to perform upkeep and maintenance and serves many purposes.
So, Why Do I Need It?