Anchoring Sloped Areas with J-Hooks or Rebar
A general rule of thumb to use when determining if your RutGuard™ panels need to be anchored to your sloped area is that typically slopes at a 3:1 or 33.5% degree are considered stable.* With that being said, based on specific site conditions and preference, sometimes it is best to anchor the panels into the slope.
A way to go about this would be to use j-hooks or rebar to hold the panels in place. Simply drive stake into to ground and space them out evenly throughout the panel, down the slope. A general recommendation is 1 stake per square yard, or 26 stakes per panel. J-Hooks are great because they loop over the top edge of the cell to provide even more stability by holding the panel in place. Remember, you must fully cover the top of the RutGuard™ panel to where you do not see the cell, nor the j-hooks, rebar, stakes, etc.
*When sub-base is prepared properly, if needed, with proper drainage and any existing ruts or erosion repaired. A geotextile fabric is always recommended below the panels to further lock the system in place and is especially recommended on slopes.
When staking the panels into the ground, a common question is "Is it okay to puncture the fabric beneath the panels?" Yes. Typically it is okay to drive the stake through the fabric, into the ground. This helps keep the system in place.
These thoughts are offered with the understanding that they do not constitute an engineering opinion or an engineering design. They are suggestions made by the manufacturer for the customer’s consideration.