You've decided on geocell for your next project - now what do you fill it with? The possibilities are endless. A good rule of thumb that we find ourselves suggesting is not what to put inside the cells, but what *not* to put inside the cells, as geocell will confine and strengthen almost any material that you fill it with. A few pointers and key facts to note when choosing an infill material are highlighted below.
RutGuard Geocell will confine and support native infill material. This allows you to reuse what you have and at times, eliminates the need for purchasing specific infill.
- Small, Round, Similar-Sized Rock, such as "pea-gravel"
(they're difficult to compact)
- Heavy Clays
(Heavily Saturated, Poor Compaction)
- Crushed, Unwashed, Angular Rock
- Decomposed Granite (DG)
- Soil, Dirt, Sand, Mulch
- Sod with Grass or Vegetation (Yes, you can Grow in the Cells!
Helpful Hint: A common question is what size infill rock to use. A good suggestion is 3/8" minus. We always suggest using no larger than 1/3 of the cell. For example, for the 3" panel, you typically do not want to fill it with anything larger than 1" (1/3 of the cell opening).