A homeowner added a gravel parking area addition to their existing driveway. With the use of RutGuard Geocell, erosion and routine maintenance will be minimized as the geocell will hold the material in place. RutGuard 4" was used and installed over a fabric, right up next to the existing driveway.
RutGuard was used by this New York resident for their road that winds through their beautiful property. Locally available material was able to be used, as it was placed into the cells and compacted, resulting in a reinforced road surface.
The flexible panels are not only simple to install, but ...
Solution for Sloped Areas and Grade Changes
Tired of losing money every time that it rains? RutGuard provides stability to sloped pathways and driveways, by confining the material within its cells, reducing erosion and runoff.
Typically, slopes lesser than a 3:1 are considered stable, so RutGuar...
A Driveway to Support Traffic for Pedestrians, Passenger Vehicles and.. a Food Truck!
A residential home owner was looking for a solution to add stability to their gravel driveway. RutGuard is the solution for holding gravel material in place in order to reduce ruts, amount of material needed, an...
RutGuard™ Roadway 4" was used to provide a functional, yet visually appealing residential parking area used by 4+ vehicles. Infill material costs were reduced, as the strength of 12" of gravel was provided in only 4" of RutGuard™ Geocell. The customer was able to use less and strengthen more, as ...
RutGuard™ Pathway 3" was used to provide an even walking surface for guests within the ceremony area of a wedding venue in the Texas Hill Country. The customer had some problem areas throughout the venue that would wash out every time that it rained, and RutGuard™ provided a solution that would n...