A residential shed and parking area that is built up on a raised foundation was prone to erosion on its sloped perimeter. RutGuard 2" Panels were installed along the perimeter atop the native surface and slope, in order to create a reinforced foundation. The geocell was installed directly atop the native, existing subgrade material on the slope. A crushed, angular gravel was placed into the cells in order to create a functional yet decorative layer to the slope.
Before RutGuard After RutGuard
Benefits of Using Geocell in Sloped Areas
RutGuard Geocell serves to stabilize steep and slight slopes, by conforming to the natural terrain, locking the material in place while still allowing water to drain out of the system. This reduces the amount of material that gets washed out from wind, rain and other eroding factors, saving money on material and labor that is typically necessary to perform maintenance on sloped areas.